07 April 2010


Since you mentioned Nisargadatta's is the closest to your realization experience, I have a question for you regarding his I AM THAT book.

He said:

Your world is personal, private, unshareable, intimately your own. Nobody can enter it, see as you see, hear as you hear... -p17 

In your world you are truely alone, enclosed in your ever-changing dream, which you take for life. -p.17

If the above is true, how can I be sure what he said in I AM THAT is true? According to the above, he appeared as a dream character in my dream. Can I be sure what were said to this dream character are the ultimate truth?

What other things do you disagree with Nisargadatta?





Nisargadatta said that all he said was conceptualization and hence false.

His words should not be taken as truth or philosophy, but as a pointer to go beyond mind.

Also, I never read I am That, only the Jean Dunn Books.

Do not be taken by a search for truth in an intellectual/academic sense. What you are looking for is entirely beyond mind and knowing in the sense of cognition. 

You must become stupid like a rock and get out of mind in order to find your most base nature and the nature of consciousness.

Forget about what Nisargadatta said in a book translated by who knows whom, written 13 years before his death by an editor of unknown attainment?

There are probably 50,000,000 questions you can ask about specific statements by Maharaj, Ramana, Robert, etc., of the "What does he mean?", or "Do you agree or disagree this this or that paragraph?"  All that this means is you are reading with the intent of trying to understand concepts when you should be strictly listening to directions on how to abide in the Self, I-ness, or I Am feeling.

Don't treat this as philosophy and ask these types of questions. You are missing the point entirely and staying at the level of a mind who thinks you are a body/mind as opposed to the Absolute beyond existence.

The Absolute you can never be understood with your mind.

Instead, read without judgement or trying to fit in your past conceptual system or you will get nowhere.  Just practice investigating the I-sense.




Just followed your suggestion to read your Hunting the I article. It says, "Robert, Ramana and Nisargadatta rarely talked about the 'experience' of finality," Could you elaborate on finality and the experience of it?





Now read Autobiography of a Jnani. Download it from my site.

Again, you are asking a big question that takes lots of time to answer and is very subtle, and would not mean much unless one already had an initial awakening to the oneness of consciousness.

AOJ has over 160 pages describing the subjective states and the understanding associated with those various states.

Please, before you ask any more questions, do your homework by reading the questions and answers on the blog, the Blue site on the itisnotreal.com website, and the free downloads; 95% of your questions are answered there. Without reading those, you are asking me to provide you with long discourses that have already been provided in extensive form earlier and elsewhere, which, in turn will engender further requests for explanations that are answered in these sources. Our dialogues could take up thousands of words, but have been written already. You need to do your homework.

OR, ask questions about your practice and what is going right or wrong. I do not get the impression you are doing any self-inquiry or meditation or obtaining a real need for direction, but are asking philosophical questions, which are a waste of time.


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