25 July 2021

Peace That Surpasses Understanding

Guided meditation showing the supreme peace of the Brahman state that Robert, Nisargadatta and the Ashtavakra Gita Speak of. The highest, most subtle, and happiness/bliss that can be experienced. https://youtu.be/_P13rrGGjrU

11 July 2021

 Both Robert and Nisargadatta speak of the first freedom state as Brahman, the disappearance of the mind and body in becoming the wholeness of the existential, manifest universe. This is the fundamental teaching of Nisargadatta, which represents freedom from the identification with one's own body and mind. Curiously, Robert would often repeat the phhrase "I am Brahman" over and over. This is the beginning of realizing one is not the body, but the totality of consciousness. This is partially a guided meditation.


04 July 2021

Deep Diving  Nisargadatta and Robert Adams in a concise and clear manner covering the bredth and depth of their teachings as well as my expereince of them. https://youtu.be/8APZacwgP_4