09 October 2011

I've been sitting a lot more here, since I have so much free time to myself.  As I told you the energy has really been increasing during sittings, especially at the crown of the head and at the heart.  I also know these experiences are totally meaningless. They all happen within the confines of the body/mind and I am not that. I really feel that the more and more I sit and read Nisargadatta's words.  During sittings when I bring my attention to the sense of presence I can feel it filling up the space. The sense of presence captures the sensations of the body and all other sensations like sound, and smell within it. This is what gives me an inkling that I am not the body, and that I am everywhere, pervasive.  I still witness this sense of presence, though. It is another object that I observe without changing ME at the back. Nothing touches me.



  1. I feel the same at times.


  2. to all,

    here is another version of the Nisargadatta gita without Pradeeps commendary but by Pradeep. Its just the quotes of Nisargadatta.

    Thanks to Pradeep Apte,



  3. "I am not who you think i am."
