07 April 2011

Satsang 7: Love and the Jnani

So many bhaktis have come to both our online and live Satsangs.  I just couldn't figure it out. I feel like a dried up Jnani type teacher and wondered why so many love-oriented people come to Satsang. We explore this issue here.


  1. I always took 'We're all one' to mean that everything is a projection of consciousness; consciousness experiencing itself subjectively.

    Isn't it the ego and the body/mind illusion that makes us feel we're all separate from each other?

  2. Dear Edji,

    I had been waiting for months to hear you talk on the subject of Bhakti Love. The love I felt when I first discovered your blog back in July of last year is what made me feel I am finally home.

    Wonderful Satsang, truly moving. Thank you!

    Love you deeply,

  3. Oneness can actually be experienced. You may look from your eyes, I may look from my eyes, but there is underlying oneness that can be experienced.

  4. Gary, you offer an explanation. That is a theory. The important thing is the experience itself and the conclusions you draw after that experience, not those based on theory. There is no ego. There are no thoughts, there are no projections.

  5. Of course oneness can be experienced and quite easily. But oneness has many faces and everyone attaches and explanation to the experience. The problem is not the experience of oneness, but the theories that surround the experience. The experience of oneness is really rather trivial. There is much further to go, and more knowledge to be lost and thrown away.

    You need to become dumb as a rock and just be.

  6. Thank you Edji for this beautiful satsang recording. As if I was around with you all ... sitting quiet in the background, drowning into the emptiness between your words.

    Love to you all.

  7. Dear Ed, yes, I see what you mean now about oneness.

    Actually this is where am I - "becoming dumb as rock". For a time being there was a some kind of fear. But now I feel something is welling up. This lightness and compassion and especially this softness, there is a feeling that being is like a flower opening up. This is amazing, at least for me, because i never have imagined that it all was here and is not somewhere but here, just need to dig deeper.

  8. Yes, it was always you, always has been in you--everything.

  9. Nice one dear Edji. I really felt your loss. I know when the time comes for my dog to leave I will be broken for a while. In truth I hope to leave before he does.

    Much love
    Randy M

  10. Thanks for this talk of Edji's, Los Angeles Satsang. Solid gold. Total honesty, and no fear about vunerability. Love to hear you talk about Robert again, Edji. I love the sound of your voice in this talk, with all the timbres of feeling and humour, self searching.
    "All you need is love."

  11. WOW!! So so much love within this satsang family.
    Like Matthew I love the sound of your voice in this talk too. So Moving and gentle.
    Thank you so much for posting


  12. Around 30 min. into the satsang a lady was speaking of Love of the Jnani. This love, this incredible love, unclutters the head and leaves one with sublime peace. It allows this spacious space of divine love.

  13. Beautiful, Edji - thank you!

    I wonder: Your awakening experience seemed so calamitous in a sense, may I ask how long it took before you could start "appreciating" it, so to speak?

