11 March 2011


I know you were never born :) However, it is customary here to wish Happy Birthday to those who were born on this day, and as you (thankfully!) appear to be here and are in fact one such a person: Happy Birthday!!  

Perhaps, this day is of the same or no value (or maybe even less, perhaps you even curse this day!!), but for your students it is truly a celebration!! 

I am truly grateful that you have stuck around in the muck of the world to help those of us who truly wish to know themselves. Who knows where I, or the many of your other students would be without your guidance... Personally, I would probably still be in the thick of the world, dating a crazy girl, and entirely bound by the mind (although, I am still working on that last one :P) I would also like to thank you and wish you Happy Birthday on behalf of the hundreds if not thousands of animals you have saved from sickness and starvation - they too would celebrate this day if they could.

In all honesty, without your example, consciousness would be lacking.  You are a rare example of what it means to be compassionate, humorous, loving, and most importantly, real, in the truest sense of the word.  You are unforgivingly true to who you are not only as a person, and teacher, but as Reality itself!!  You shine inside and out, whole, harmonious, Reality -- F bombs and all!  I would imagine this would all sound like a bunch of mushy flattery if it weren't all true... but it is!   Thank you for all your efforts Master, and I hope you enjoy this day!!!  

Happy Birthday, Edji! 

My Love,



  1. Rayn,

    How beautiful and how true! You expressed my feelings of gratitude and love for Edji perfectly.
    I join you in wishing Edji Happy Birthday.


  2. Wonderful! Truer words have rarely been spoken.

    Happy birthday, even though it's a bit late!

  3. Happy Birthday, and metta to Japan

  4. Namaskar Edji,

    Many many happy returns of the day, did not know it was today. I echo Ryan's sentiments although maybe not as eloquently. Thank You so much for being present here and now where it is possible for seekers to be blessed.

    Much much love, respect and infinate gratitude

  5. Once again, a gracious Happy Birthday to our "apparent" Edji(though not so apparent when we stop to take the time to honor it).


  6. All sentiments already mentioned and more Edji. Thank you for the guiding light. Thank you from all the sentient beings that can't say it verbally. And thank you from all future sentient beings whom you will inevitably touch that don't even know they owe it yet! Happy B-Day and Shine On Master Edji!

    Tony D

  7. It's never too late to send someone you love and appreciate a birthday wish.

    nya-weh: Thank You For Being.

