01 June 2018


For the past eight months I have felt Shakti descending into me and acting through me ever more powerfully.  She is shattering the concepts that kept me limited.  She wants me to do more, to announce her presence in the world and her ability to change and to heal.

I feel her as a constantly descending energy in all areas of my body, but especially my brain. My body seems to grow heavier with her added gravitas, her mountainous presence, her current.  My body is relaxed as never before.  My mind is silent.  Her energies drive out concepts from my mind and I see past them into an ever changing flux of energies.
My brain is washed in constant internal tickling energy.  I feel her power within me and am tempted to trick myself and to assume her mantle as my own.  But I am not a fool.  I know the power is hers and the only way to continue this wonderful transformation is to surrender to her.

I wish I could understand this process, how it works, why it works, because this has always been my nature: to understand.  And letting go of understand yet again is hard, I know I just need to worship her and surrender to her directions and invitations.  This is my great delight to surrender to her, to love her, to worship her, prostrated at her feet.

1 comment:

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