15 August 2010

Jimmy and Meena are safe!!!

The owner of Shaz restaurant found his heart as a result of all the calls and emails you sent. He has relented and is allowing Jimmy to keep Meena and they will live together.

The owner even went out and bought Meena a new litter box, litter and cat food. 

The owner, Mohammed, heard that his restaurant and his actions were all over the Internet and asked that the publicity stop. 

Thank you each and every one who helped Jimmy and Meena. This is what Seung Sahn said helps the world: together action to save all beings from suffering and distress.

Sometimes you save beings with words, some times with actions, some times, doing nothing.

Thank you all!!

PS: Several people have expressed negative comments about my asking you to help Jimmy, saying I should have done nothing and let God take care of it. But I will not post these newer comments unless people are willing to sign their them and not leave them anonymously. 

I want you to all know that Robert often called this world we live in the lowest hell, especially because of how people treat each other and eat animals. Any actions to decrease killing and to save any sentient being from suffering and distress, was acceptable to him, whether it is real or not.

You need to always act as if it were real. Remember, in Robert's confession he states Jnana does not free you from the world completely, but takes away the sting.  


  1. if cooking means laying a guilt trip...you got me cooking....ha

  2. That's fabulous news and yes, it DOES show in no uncertain terms that even someone like Mohammed can in the end come to see that compassionate action towards others is beneficial not just to them but even to himself as well. The Dalai Lamai had a term for this(though it might very well have been stated before), "Enlightened self interest."

    And I fervently believe that we were right to inform him that we couldn't accept his earlier policy even given the possibility that he'd reject it.


  3. Glad decency prevailed. I just emailed Mohammed (again) and thanked him for being a decent fellow in the end.

  4. JIMMY:

    Born under an angry star,
    Near the birthplace of Christ,
    On a nameless, war torn street . . .
    From Mary’s teardrops,
    Children’s prayers for mercy,
    And a forgotten deity’s remorse for the fallen race once known as humanity . . .
    Jimmy came into this world.

    Beaten, bruised, alone –
    All his hands ever knew were service.
    All his heart could ever hold was gratitude.

    Jimmy subsisted in a forsaken desert valley –
    Whether somewhere west of Jordon, or somewhere north of Los Angeles,
    No one could be quite sure.
    Meena could tell us if she could speak,
    But all she can offer is an unspoken blessing
    That could rid the world of darkness forever . . .
    If only we could embrace it –
    As Jimmy embraces each of us whenever he holds her in his arms.

    Location, location, location.
    Will you die slowly in the sprawling, post war, subprime inferno of despair and rage?
    Or bask in the arms of the Infinite . . .
    On a concrete bridge that no one owns,
    And can never be bought or sold?


  5. David,

    Thank you for your beautiful poem. You have touched me deeply.

    Much love,
