29 January 2011

Anyone who lives in the Los Angeles area, and who is interested in getting together for an informal Satsang followed by dinner at a North Valley Thai restaurant with good yet inexpensive food, please email me.

I was thinking of a Saturday evening, once or twice a month.

Unlike Robert who held Satsang twice a week, I don't have that much to say unless moved by a hiccuping consciousness. But I can just hang out with the best of them. Anyone with private issues will be able to address them to me privately also.



  1. Edji,

    I am nowhere close to LA. Your compassion is so sweet, I can't help but write these words.


  2. Namaskar,

    Same here live nowhere near the US but touched by the offer.


  3. Hi Ed-

    I am very fortunate, as I am closer than most, I think, in Thousand Oaks.

    Let me know when the first meeting is, I am ready to be cooked alive.

