27 October 2018


For many years now I have been teaching using Robert’s model of never charging for anything: satsang; books; teaching posts on my blog; answering personal questions by an endless line of seekers; or speaking with people on teleconference.  I just hated the whole concept of handling money. If anyone felt like it, or if they felt what I was teaching helped them, they could make a donation to support my work, or to help feed homeless cats in Los Angeles.

This is just not working anymore. Donations are about 1/4th what they were just five years ago.  Youtube states that my videos have been viewed for almost two million minutes of watching, yet attendees for Satsang have fallen almost in half.  Fewer people add likes or comments to my posts. I think I am overexposed. It is too easy to access my teachings, so people don’t attend expecting they can watch Satsang on Youtube later.

I do not know exactly what I will do, or when, but my own needs, and the needs of our time which is stopping the demonic forces tearing our country apart demand I change everything.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Edji. Yes, I'm one of the people who view your satsangs on youtube. I live in Sydney and can't bring myself to get out of bed pre-dawn Monday morning to attend, so I watch on youtube. Sorry that I've taken you for granted. I read every post you put up and appreciate all the insights you given me over the years. I have posted comments here a few times but they never got through. Maybe I was doing some wrong but gave up after a while. I also tried to donate just now but couldn't input the amount. Again, probably doing some wrong. If I can work out how to do it, I'll donate. Hope this comment makes it. If so, it will be the first.
