Most of us begin our spiritual search early in life. Yet
even if we started when we were 10 or 11, we were already well-indoctrinated by
parents, culture and school into conventionality. We rapidly learned conventional
speech and ways of questioning. We knew what kind of words and ideas were acceptable, and which were not. We learned political correctness. We knew what
concepts, ideas and thought patterns, as well as behaviors were accepted by our
parents, peers, and school, as well as what kinds of friends we should have.
By the time or 18, we are fully indoctrinated with a set of
values concerning family, children, career, education, politics, consumer
behaviors, and some variant of the "American dream," which we attempt
to live out.
A few of us, even at an early age, see through these images,
concepts and accepted behaviors, and see them as utterly arbitrary and
"unreal." We become rebellious. We question religion, the politics
our parents accepted, our political system, our capitalist economy, our ideas
of God, Christ, and spiritual teacher in the form of the pastor, and begin
exploring alternatives using our mind, because we are taught that the mind is
the way to know truth and oneself.
When Plato talked about knowing one’s self, it was through
reason and rationality, questioning accepted beliefs through use of thinking and the mind. His was not knowing oneself as Ramana or
Robert Adams talked about, as a direct experience of foundational states of
Thus the first spiritual breakout for most of us is almost entirely of the
mind. We explore Vedanta, Buddhism, mystical Christianity, Taoism, Sufism,
depth psychology, psychoanalysis, bioenergetics, hatha yoga, and vegetarianism,
in a vain attempt to cut an original path for our own truth.
But if we are smart enough, and self-aware enough, after a
while we recognize we're still following our mind which is seeking freedom from
the known by opening doors to new conceptual schemes, new behaviors, new
religions, new spiritual teachers, and new politics, and we find we are not
gaining freedom, but just changing our jail cells’ furniture. We recognize that
the mind is not the tool by which we can find freedom. The mind can only find
novelty and excitement, which gives an appearance of “new,” but there's no real
living-transformation by adopting new sets of concepts. Indeed, there has only
been a move to different rooms in the same conceptual prison, or even just
changing the furniture.
Many people do this into their 50s and 60s before
they recognize that the mind is not the way to freedom, that the mind only
engages in concepts, and there are billions, and billions, and billions of
concepts bandied about by philosophers, scientists, engineers, politicians,
school teachers and spiritual teachers since time immemorial, and none of these
conceptual structures yield freedom.
Eventually we run into spiritual teachers or teachings that
say the mind is not the way, that "the way" lies in dropping the
mind, or transcend mind, living in emptiness, or living in and from the heart.
Yet these are really two very different ways. One implies a
search for ultimate truth lying outside of concepts, which involves an
exploration of "beingness" with its containers of various types of
Void and “states.” The other implies a path of love, loving one another, a
guru, a spouse, lover, and ultimately loving one's own Self. Each path has its
own separate pitfalls and difficulties, as well as milestones and potential
The search for truth, ultimate truth, within the various types
of voids, and states of knowing and unknowing, can become very dry and easily
stalled due to lack of motivation, and a drying out of the will to persevere.
The other path, of love, can and will activate all kinds of emotional states
which can be both enthralling, but also frightening and destructive, leading to
all kinds of distracting stoppages.
The path of the void, or of seeking truth, generally leads
one away from the world, while the path of love maintains that involvement in
the world, so much so, that direct observation or realization of the Self may
be delayed.
We also have to understand that the ties of the mind are
very deep and subtle. We may free ourselves from fundamentalist Christianity,
or fundamentalist Buddhism, or Muhammadanism, but we may not free ourselves
from family values, where some variant of the American dream, including even
the becoming an academic, or professional such as a doctor, psychiatrist, psychotherapist,
engineer, professor, or a professional questioner such as a scientist.
We deep down recognize that escape from the conventional often
means ostracism and rejection by society and crowds of people, leading to a
life living at the fringes of society. It is extremely hard to escape from
family values and conventionality of behaviors and then to lead a life of
luxury or ease. This deters many from really opting for an "authentic" lifestyle of living out of oneself as opposed to conventions.
Those whose behaviors fall outside of the norm are often
shunned, because people find them embarrassing or challenging because they are
caught still in conventionality.
Can you imagine inviting Nisargadatta to dinner with your
conventional friends? How many would find his behaviors embarrassing, and thus
reflecting poorly on you within your group of friends or family? Conventionality
and properness, as well as propriety become stumbling blocks to freedom.
So, I have constantly taught people how to obtain freedom,
either by going within and abiding in the I sense, or to question all of their
assumptions concerning conventionality, conventional behaviors, conventional
aspirations, the American dream, ideas of marriage, sex, family, material
success, as well as all the ideas we have about gurus and spirituality.
Living from the heart, or living without the mind, requires
dropping all conventionality, all concepts, and just being open to whatever is
presenting itself to you in the moment. Any concept or idea will prevent you
from seeing who you are as well as who is the "other."
(Note: Beware even of this, because this too is a concept, but one meant asa "pointer," to bring freedom.)
As Robert said, "your mind is not your friend."
Yet most people accept spirituality as a progressive exploration of spiritual
concepts, as opposed to dropping the mind and seeing oneself directly without the
intervention of thinking, the mind or concepts.
I think it is relatively easy to drop the mind when it comes
to our spiritual search. That is, through meditation and repetitive hearing
that the mind is not the way, that through the mind one cannot find freedom,
one gradually really begins to practice meditation and attains an empty mind
rather quickly.
However, my experience is that most people encapsulate this
empty mind to a small part of their lives, and no-mind, becoming nothing, does
not extend outwards to family or their everyday life, because it would cause
problems. Becoming unconventional is risky. Even Robert held back some of his teachings
about Consciousness, saying, “If I told them the entire truth, I would be
It is if for some, their spiritual life is totally separated
and disjointed from their everyday life. We may be very spiritual in our
meditation and getting rid of spiritual concepts like karma, reincarnation,
guru, the void, emptiness, the self, and yet very prosaic and conventional when
it comes to pursuing our everyday life with our three children, worn-out
marriage, and unexciting career as a doctor, lawyer, Indian chief, executive,
editor, or teacher. There, we swallow our tongue so to speak, and accept this
as the bed we made for ourselves, and continue to plug away, while finding more
freedom through meditation and freedom from spiritual concepts, but carefully
avoiding letting this freedom from spoiling our conventional life style.
When it comes to questions of breakup or divorce, quitting our
jobs and starting a new career, dropping out of college, and just leaping into an
unknown future, we find this is an entirely different and much larger ball of
The escape from the trap of spiritual teachings is entirely less traumatic
than escaping from a dead marriage, a dead-end career that we have spent 20
years in, or even changing our politics from conservative to liberal, and
actually making a commitment to getting involved there, or in animal rescue, or
some other new endeavor entirely, because this involves actually walking the
talk, as opposed to merely meditating and thinking about the talk. Actions
speak much larger than words, concepts, or meditative peace.
I think all good teachers try to think of ways to get
their students to break out of their conventionality as well as to experience
one's own sense of self and to love oneself. Robert would "cook" us
by creating real-life situations where our feelings would be hurt, or concepts
about living would be challenged. Many people left him and the sangha rather
than face these feelings. Few stayed to participate in their own
Other teachers, such as Siddharameshwar, focused only on meditation
on the I-thought, or I-feeling, promoting a progressive penetration through the
concepts of the mind, as well as other levels of mind, such that they found the
void, or they found the Self.
But what then? Unless that discovery was applied to the
student’s everyday life, they were still a very conventional person, leading a
very conventional life, and therefore a very unfree life.
Unlike most spiritual teachers, I think it is just as
important to escape from the conceptual conventionality of everyday life,
family, career, politics, etc., and to go beyond them entirely, than it is to
escape from the "spiritual" beliefs that we are human beings based in bodies
and minds, as opposed to being something entirely beyond. As long as one has
the conventional belief of being a human, in a body, in a career, one cannot
possibly do the full escape into the unknown and into the Self.
Those teachers living outside of conventionality are often
referred to as “avadhuts.” One very famous and recent avadhut was Rajneesh. In
a sense, Nisargadatta was also an avadhut who challenged all of the students to
shed all of their concepts, but who himself continued to lead a conventional
Personally, I feel that sarcasm, humor, especially dark
humor or sarcastic humor, direct criticism, as well as courses and expositions that emphasize
critical thinking, can be as helpful as long periods of dry meditation in
freeing oneself from the conventional, whether of conventional religion, a
conventional life, the American dream, political persuasions, or Facebook political correctness.
I think comedians like Lewis Black, Bill Maher, George
Carlin, Jon Stuart, and many others, provide a bit of effective antidote to those
immersed in the American dream, conventional religion, and
conventional careers.
These men help deconstruct the conventionality we are immersed
in, and helpless us breakout from imprisoning molds. Lewis Black states that
his mother has a black belt in sarcasm, and his routines drip with such
sarcasm, which can be utterly unfettering.
This is why I teach as I do, with heavy sarcasm and
profanity. I desperately want people to break out of conventional mindsets and
behaviors which they do not even see let alone recognize as a trap, a hindrance
to freedom. This kind of freedom is far more important for the future of
mankind, than for the isolated individual to gain complete release from the
fetters of mind and flesh in a great Satori. When such one gains freedom and
great enlightenment, he or she becomes freed, but then what? What about the
rest of mankind? Are they not struggling under conventionality imposed by the
Catholic Church, by born-again Christianity, by Christian morality, by Buddhist
morality, by sharia law, by Jewish folklore in the form of the Old Testament, and
all kinds of “political correctness?”
Is not a large portion of the population United States
gripped by a very conservative mentality, supposedly Christian, but heavily
subscribing to getting government out of welfare, child support, education, and
healthcare, and turning all of these responsibilities over to the family or to
"private enterprise," and companies with a profit motive? How do we
help these people?
How do we help people who kill others, such as soldiers long
indoctrinated by training and their governments into accepting killing for the
sake of God and country, escape this mindset? How do we help butchers and
slaughterhouse workers, as well as consumers to understand that killing
sentient beings for meat, for other byproducts of their dead bodies, is
repugnant and an offense to the self?
Personally, I think all these tools of humor, sarcasm, spiritual
"cooking," as well as meditation and self inquiry, need to be applied
to help as many people as possible escape from the traps of their minds, escape
from peer pressure, escape from the American dream into a life of living from the
heart, living from love and in love, and thereby finding freedom and happiness.
For this end I can see an integration of many tools of
freedom in a sort of New University of Unlearning, where a whole community
seeks freedom on every level, and in that freedom, they end up living from the
heart and in love, and living daily in the ecstasy, relief, and silence that
results from abandoning the mind and finding the heart.