What is self and self-realization?
Such a deep question, but the answer is really simple. The answer comes in less than 10 seconds to someone who really understands they are not their bodies. They, and you, are the spirit, the awareness and consciousness that the body supports.
The body may be the creator of you, but you are not your body. You are both the awareness within, and the consciousness, the phenomenal world and inner world that it creates. You are that consciousness.
To know your self and to rest in your self, you have to reenter your body as its owner and only resident. That is self; awareness of one's inner spirit and feeling the total nature that awareness of your body reveals.
Don't worry about mind. Let it think and daydream. Forget attempts to control it. Instead, turn your attention inwards. Feel your heart area. Feel your feet, ankles, legs and pelvis. Feel how your consciousness feels. Then just rest their and realize that is your self, that which you call I Am experience. Rest in this experience and knowledge. Feel the peace ce that brings.
Then, turn your attention to others. Find someone to love. Open fully, love fully, surrender fully. Then explode in love. Love another more than you love your self. This allows you become totally aware of and become love itself. This will unleash spiritual energy that brings both self and God-realization..
That is it! No use to plunge into the depths of the emptiness found within; that is just part of you, not the origin of consciousness or self. Scan your body frequently. Know your home. Love deeply and frequently.