26 March 2013


Donations have dropped almost to nothing.  Six months ago they were close to $1,800 a month.  Now they have been under $300 for three months in a row, most of that due to one person who donates $200 each month.

Because of visitors, I have not been able to do any medical reports in two months, therefore no income from this source.  Getting into the mental mood to do this kind of work is difficult for me.  It requires a whole change in focus and beingness in the world to do this detailed, careful critiques.

I have had to cut cat food donations to two people completely, and gave reduced rations to Marie who cares for almost 145 cats.

The income from the new book is far less than half of what I got in donations, and there has been hardly any income from it in the least two weeks.  Books only make money if they see well, and mine is not.

So, if you can see your way clear to do it, please donate using the paypal button on this blog.

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